Winter 2022-23
David: As we conclude 2022 and move onward to 2023, I would like to say a few words. We've come quite along way with this blog, and I'm incredibly pleased at how great it turned out to be. Although a lot of our finds date back prior to this year, 2022 was the first year of publishing our cars we found, and we also started venturing into the world of social media to promote our finds. Concluding this year, I decided to try to capture my finds with better details. You may have noticed that our finds now include three different angles, and occasionally some detailed close up shots of badging or a distinctive feature to a car. I would like to continue this trend going forward into 2023 and beyond. We have an exciting year ahead of us, and I have many plans in the foreseeable future for the blog. Thank you for all your support!